Call for Demos

The 2020 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation

(HPCS 2020)

The 18th Annual Meeting

22 - 27 March 2021

Virtual/Online event or


Demo Proposal Submission Deadline: 25 September 2020


The HPCS 2020 Conference, to be held in Barcelona, Spain (virtually), 10-14 December, 2020, is an important opportunity for both academic and business sectors to network with the HPC & Simulation communities and collaborating projects investigators and developers, to exchange information, ideas, techniques, hardware and software platforms and tools on how to advance the state of the art in this rapidly evolving field, in order to support the scientific research and education as well as industrial applications and implementations.

Demos and experiential showcases of HPC environments, tools, modeling and simulation are highly encouraged to be part of this meeting. We welcome demo proposals on all subjects related to HPCS. Topics include the themes outlined in the conference topics as well as distributed data management, grid and HPC systems, Cloud applications, Big Data, AI & Smart World, challenging HPC applications, modeling and simulation techniques and solutions using HPC systems, etc.

Demos will be scheduled throughout the Conference, with dedicated sessions and times as will be indicated in the Program. For demos, this will give authors the opportunity to present their work to a wide audience. It will also provide an excellent opportunity to market products and services as well as present announcements.

Real experimentation has proven to be a fundamental methodology to evaluate HPC technologies and systems as well as modeling and simulation. Early prototyping is an outstanding way to understand real user requirements and help adoption of technologies by the mass market. In addition, the demo sessions showing real-systems prototypes at work will naturally complement the technical sessions, thus stimulating discussions among attendees.

As in every year, the HPCS 2020 Conference will feature state-of-the-art set of demo presentations. The HPCS 2020 Organizing Committee invites proposals and ideas for demos to be held in conjunction with the Conference. Topics may cover different levels, ranging from introductory to highly advanced. Demos will address relevant subject areas within HPC and simulation. Typically, 30-minute demos are planned but others will be considered. Proposals will be evaluated by members of the Organizing Committee.

If you are interested in presenting a demo at this conference or you have an idea for a demo you would like to see offered, please contact the Demos Co-Chairs.

TOPICS INCLUDE (but are not limited to):

All HPCS related topics.


We invite you to prepare an abstract following the proposed templates below. Please submit your abstract by email to the Co-Chairs (make sure that the subject of the e-mail says "HPCS 2020 Demos Submission.")

The abstracts of accepted demo proposals will be disseminated to the wider HPCS 2020 community and included in the conference proceedings. Hence we invite you to prepare the abstracts with care. The organizing committee will review and select submissions for demo sessions and notify authors about acceptance by 01 October 2020.

A proposal to present a demo at HPCS 2020 should contain the following information:

  • Demo Title

  • Full Name(s), Affiliation(s) and Contact Information of the Instructor(s)

  • Keywords from the list of topics in the Conference Call (up to 6)

  • Extended Abstract (500-1000 words or 2-4 pages) detailing (a) the technical subject, (b) its importance and originality, (c) its relevance and benefits to HPCS 2020 attendees, and (d) demo objectives

  • Demo detailed Outline in a medium level of granularity including sections and subsections as well as bibliography (as applicable)

  • Intended audience profile and prerequisites (if any)

  • Expected duration of the demo. Typically, 30-minute demos are planned but others will be considered.

  • Expected demo format. (i.e., talks, or talks + demo, etc.)

  • Audio/Visual requirements

  • Biography of the Instructor(s) (100-200 words)

If the demo or its earlier version has been given before, please indicate those respective events in full, with dates, and content. This is an important requirement.

Authors of all accepted demos are invited to provide an updated final DEMO EXTENDED ABSTRACT (up to 3 pages) describing the demo features. Demo Extended Abstracts will be included in the Conference proceedings frontal material.


Demo Proposal Submission Deadline ----------------25 September 2020

Demo Notification of Acceptance by -----------------01 October 2020

Exhibits Proposal Submission Deadline ------------- 30 October 2020

Exhibits Notification of Acceptance by -------------- 10 November 2020

Registration & Proceedings Manuscript Due ------- 30 November 2020

Conference Dates ------------------------------------- 25 - 29 January 2021

For information or questions about demos, please contact Demos Co-Chairs:

Coming Soon.

the Conference’s organizers, or consult the Conference’s web site at URLs: Or