Keynotes HPCS2020
The 2020 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation
(HPCS 2020)
The 18th Annual Meeting
22 - 27 March 2021
Virtual/Online Event or
Technically Sponsored is Pending
Keynote I: Locality: The 3rd Wall and The Need for Innovation
in Parallel Architectures
Peter M. Kogge
McCourtney Prof. of Computer Science and Engineering
University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA
NOTES (See file below. Forthcoming after the conference)
Keynote II: In-Network Computing: Accelerating Scientific Applications
Gilad Shainer
Senior Vice President of Marketing, Mellanox Networking, NVIDIA
NOTES (See file below. Forthcoming after the conference)
Keynote III: "AI for Science" Initiative and the Evolution of HPC
Rick Stevens
Associate Laboratory Director for Computing, Environment and Life Sciences,
Argonne National Laboratory, and Professor of Computer Science
at University of Chicago, Illinois, USA
NOTES (See file below. Forthcoming after the conference)
Keynote IV: Entering the Era of Quantum Computing
Michele Mosca
Department of Combinatorics & Optimization, and Institute for Quantum Computing,
University of Waterloo; Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Ontario, Canada
NOTES (See file below. Forthcoming after the conference)
Keynote V: The Path To Exascale And Beyond
Brad McCredie
Corporate Vice President, GPU Platforms, Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.,
Austin, Texas, USA
NOTES (See file below. Forthcoming after the conference)
Keynote VI: TBA
NOTES (See file below. Forthcoming after the conference)