Posters Instructions

The 2020 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation

(HPCS 2020)

The 18th Annual Meeting

22 - 27 March 2021

Virtual/Online event or


Presentation Posters Required Elements

All accepted poster papers and posters must be presented at the conference per final schedule by one of the authors. At the poster's top, a banner title and below it the list of the authors with affiliations. HPCS 2020 info should be written at the bottom. The following sections should be included:

  • Problem considered and motivations

  • Research questions, objectives and goals

  • Research Approach, Design, and Methods Used

  • Technical Challenges

  • Experimentation, Results & Analysis

  • Expected Contributions, Accomplishments and Significance

  • Impact & Conclusions

  • Citations and Acknowledgements

A poster is usually a mixture of text, tables, graphs, pictures, and other forms of information. Posters must be in English. Put together good material and prepare well for it. Keep content clear, concise and exciting. Deliver it eloquently, persuasively, and enthusiastically. Have a great story to tell; make it memorable. Pay attention to audience (anticipate who they are) and sense how they are taking it. Time the presentation well and stay within the limits (you typically have limited time). Be prepared for questions (usually different types for different reasons).

Presentation Posters Formatting Instructions

The poster size should be one 2 X 3 ft to a maximum of 3 X 4 ft. Regular size papers will not be acceptable.

Tape, thumbtacks and other supplies may be needed at the site to mount the poster. Please bring with you what you anticipate would be appropriate.

Posters should stimulate discussions, not necessarily require a long presentation. Use graphs, charts and illustrations as much as possible. Minimize use of text and lengthy tables. Your poster should be easily read from a distance of 4 ft (122 cm). Poster should read from top left to bottom right, like you are reading a page. Color and figures will enhance poster readability and attractiveness. Logical flow of entries and content. For consistency, it would be best to make all the headers the same size and use the same font size throughout the poster for all regular body texts. Maintain a good contrast between the background color and the text color. Use vectors for images and drawings and make sure you have good resolution.

Suggested Fonts and Sizes: Times New Roman, Sans-serif fonts

Title: 90 – 95 pt.

Authors/affiliations: 85 – 90 pt.

Headings: 60 pt.

Text: 28 – 36 pt.

References: 20 – 24 pt.

Background color should be white or a neutral color that is easy on the eyes.

Page size of slide must be your desired print size. Do this step before you create your poster. Print quality will be substandard if you design your poster and then change the size. Make sure you have about 1 inch margin around the edges of the poster to prevent cropping when printing.

Print a miniature version of your poster on 8.5''x11'' paper. Choose ‘Fit to size’ under the print command, and choose letter-sized paper. If your text is too small to read on the miniature version (from 12 inches), it will be too small to read on the final poster. Same is true to pictures and figures – the graphical elements of your poster should be sharp and clear on the miniature printout. The miniature printout can also serve as a handout to provide to interested parties during the poster session.

A good poster design guide that meets the above requirements is available online, for example at:

For other requirements please check and verify with the Co-Chairs and consult various pages of this site.

For more information or questions about the posters session, please contact Posters Co-Chairs:

Coming Soon.