Authors Info

HPCS 2020 organizers reserve the right to change, amend, add or remove any of the above policies Terms, Requirements & Conditions in their sole discretion and without prior notice. If one or more of the conditions outlined in these Terms, Requirements & Conditions should become invalid, the remaining policies and conditions will continue to be valid and apply. These Terms, Requirements & Conditions apply to all event participants (attendees, speakers, sponsors, exhibitors).

The views expressed by any event attendee, speaker, exhibitor, or sponsor are not necessarily those of HPCS 2020 or its organizers. All attendees, speakers, exhibitors, and sponsors are solely responsible for the content of all individual or corporation presentations, marketing collateral, and/or advertising.

The 2021 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation

(HPCS 2021)

The 18th Annual Meeting

22 - 27 March 2021

Virtual/Online Event or

Technically Sponsored is Pending


Due to the ongoing impacts, consequences, and delays caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, we are forced to move the HPCS 2020 conference dates to March 22 - 27, 2021. We hope this extension will help facilitate (and solve) many issues for our authors and contributors, colleagues and organizers, and service providers. We continue to assemble an exciting event and hope this extension will not be a problem. Thank you for your continual support and understanding.

Accepted Papers in All categories:

Thank you for your contributions and congratulations for the acceptance of your paper in HPCS 2020. Please READ the following information carefully.

The deadline for submitting the camera-ready version paper + Copyright form + Bio for all tracks (excluding main track)is October 28, 2020 (extended). For main track, it is January 05, 2021. Please try to submit them earlier than these dates as much as possible to avoid any last minute issues.

The paper can be uploaded by logging in at the HPCS 2020 web site at (or (Uploading link is using your previous login information for your paper in case you are in the main conference track. If your paper was accepted through a symposium, track, special session or workshop, and you have not uploaded it to this system before, you may submit it as a new submission under the Upload menu page ( You will be receiving an acknowledgment message with a paper code. Once you upload your paper to the system the first time, you may use your login info & code and the Upload link to upload any revised or newer version of your manuscript.


Main Track

Main Track Paper Submission Deadline -------------17 September 2020 - Final Extension#*

Notification of Acceptance starts ------------------- 05 January 2021 - Extended

Last Day for Camera-Ready Manuscripts by ------- 12 January 2021* - Extended

Last Day for Author's Registration ------------------ 12 January 2021*

Symposia, Workshops, Special Sessions and Other Tracks:

Tracks Paper Submission Deadline ------------------ Please see the track's respective web page

Notification of Acceptance for tracks starts -------- 28 September 2020 (varies by track - as

posted on the respective web page)

Last Day for Camera-Ready Manuscripts by -------- 28 October 2020* For all tracks (extended)

Last Day for Author's Registration ------------------- 28 October 2020* For all tracks (extended)

Last Day for Attendee's Early Registration ---------------- 09 December 2020* - Extended

Last Day for Special Rate Hotel Reservation -------------- NA, HPCS 2020 is held virtually this year

(First-come-first-serve space availability basis)

Conference Date --------------------------------------------- 22 – 27 March 2021 - New dates

# For other tracks, please refer to their web page for specific information about their specific deadlines.

* Deadlines are 6:00 p.m. U.S. Eastern (New York) Time on the dates indicated.

+ Deadline is 6:00 p.m. Ireland Local Time. Reservation requests received after 6:00 p.m. at the Hotel, after this cut-off date, will be accepted at the group rate on a space availability basis.

If you have any questions about the conference program and technical content, please contact the conference program chairs Profs. Luca Spalazzi ( and Waleed W. Smari (smari@arys.og).


Please note that a very strict application of final manuscript formatting will be adhered to. Any manuscript that does not meet the requirements will be rejected and not included in the proceedings. We appreciate your cooperation in helping us having good manuscripts and professional proceedings.

Please note that your camera-ready pdf file must be Digital Library compliant. Otherwise, your file may not be correctly incorporated and will have errors. It is your responsibility as author to submit a Digital Library compliant pdf file. Please refer to the Digital Library resources available to conferences and authors to make sure your paper is compliant when you create its pdf file. As example, the following links have more information and other links on compliant pdf files. We are providing these links to assist with this task. The authors can choose the parts they deem applicable.



Formatting Templates

HPCS 2020 will be using IEEE manuscript templates for conference proceedings for the final, camera-ready accepted papers. Please make sure to use only US Letter size templates.

Please note that final camera-ready manuscripts must be uploaded to the HPCS 20209 web site in Digital Library compliant PDF format only.

Full Paper Manuscript Instruction (this is the format we use and require you to follow, unless there is unforeseen change)

Poster Paper Manuscript (This is the format we use and require you to follow, unless there is unforeseen change)

Extended Abstracts (This is the format we use and require you to follow, unless there is unforeseen change)

This could be for extended abstract for Invited, Poster, etc.

Doctoral Dissertation Colloquium Extended Abstracts (This is the format we use and require you to follow)

IMPORTANT NOTES: The easiest way to make sure the final template (camera-ready) meets all requirements is to download the Word doc of the templates (above) and insert the texts of your paper in the appropriate fields (e.g., Title, Authors' names, Affiliations, Abstract, Introduction, Sections, References, etc.) This should accelerate the whole procedure and save your and editors' time.

HPCS 2020 has no LaTeX template to use.

Formatting Check List

Please use this list after the manuscript is ready and verify that all requirements are met before you upload your paper to the web site.

HPCS 2020 Registration Phase Short CHECKLIST:

  1. Final Camera-ready manuscript is uploaded and approved?

  2. Copyright Form is uploaded/sent and approved?

  3. Presenter's Bio is uploaded/emailed?

  4. Registration Fees are Paid?

  5. Pre-recorded presentation is uploaded and approved?

  6. Registration questions and options are answered in full?

  7. Proceedings type(s) is selected (in case requesting a CD or a hard copy)?

  8. Virtual social events, if any, signed for?


For uploading issues, please contact Mr. Abdul Habra at

For Camera-ready and final editing issues (approval of the uploaded camera-ready manuscript), please contact:

Gina Petonito

Miami University of Ohio, USA

Phone: +1


Please make sure to include HCPS2020 CR in the subject field of your message.


As a good practice, please make sure that your paper abstract meets the criteria for what is expected. See for example How to Write an Abstract and The 8 Elements of an Effective Abstract.

On paper title, see How to Compose a Title for Your Research Paper. On paper structure, see How to Structure a Conference Paper in Experimental Computer Science.


The plan is to have HPCS 2020 be published by IEEE and included in the Xplore Digital Library as in previous years. Consequently, please complete and sign the HPCS 2020 Copyright Form and upload it to this copyright link by the noted deadline. Please name your pdf file using the lastnamefirstname Octxx2020 : the first author last and first names followed by the date you upload the form (e.g., Smith John Oct192020). If you have questions about copyright form or uploading, please contact the HPCS 2020 Publications Chairs: Dr. Yudith Cardinale Villareal ( and Dr. Camille Coti (, (attn. HPCS2020 copyright). When using the link, please use the password: HPCS2020copyright . After that, you will get the uploading interface. Select your file and wait a few seconds for the system to upload it.

Please pay very close attention to filling out the form. The form must be filled out correctly, fully and accurately. There are 5 fields that must be entered:

TITLE OF PAPER/ARTICLE/REPORT: Exactly as it appears in the final camera ready


COMPLETE LIST OF ALL AUTHORS: In the same order as in the final camera ready

IEEE PUBLICATION TITLE (Journal, Magazine, Conference, Book):

The 2020 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2020)

SIGNATURE of Author/Authorized Agent for Joint Authors


If all authors of the Work are U.S. Government Employees and prepared the Work on a subject within the scope of their official duties, then the signature and date should go under that. (Certification)

If all authors of the Work are employees of the British or British Commonwealth Government and prepared the Work in connection with their official duties, then the signature and date should go under that. (Certification)

Incorrectly filled out forms must be redone for the manuscript to be included in the proceedings and published as planned.


Please upload the presenter’s bio as a WORD document when you register the paper using the registration system at registration link. The biography should be a short professional summary (a few meaningful sentences, or a paragraph of about 12 lines or so) of the presenting author, which will be posted and read aloud immediately before the author's presentation. A photo of the presenter can be included as well. This specified presenter will be considered the official presenter of the paper once selected by the authors and will not be changed unless the program chairs approve the change after a timely request by the authors.


HPCS 2020 will be held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic. All conference presentations must be made as scheduled in the final conference program by the specified presenter noted (underlined in the program).

The plan is to have all presentations pre-recorded, tested and stored on the virtual platform HPCS 2020 is using prior to the conference dates. Instructions on pre-recording, testing and uploading the presentation will be posted and communicated to all presenters. Please see this LINK for further details.

Presentations must be high quality, done professionally and prepared well to fit in the time allotted to each (not shorter and not longer). All media used must be of high quality in content, video and audio. Otherwise, the presentation will not be approved.

Please refer to some additional useful general information about preparing your presentation for the conference at this link.

It is absolutely critical that each accepted paper be presented at the conference in the best possible way and according to the program posted. No presentation means no-show (please refer to no-show policies of the HPCS 2020 conference). Poor presentations will not count. The conference reserves that right to consider such poorly presented papers as 'not presented' and treat the paper as a no-show.

The assigned presenter is expected to be present in real time using the virtual meeting platform during his/her session and handle all questions the participants may have.

Any questions or issues about the program and presentation can be sent to the HPCS 2020 conference program chairs.



Presenters will be using their own equipment and networks. Please have a good quality and reliable connection to the Internet to avoid any interruptions and other technical difficulties. Prior testing of your systems, browser and connection for correct functioning will be necessary.

In case you have any questions regarding the pre-recorded presentation or platform used, please contact Jess Lanore at and Miguel Ángel Martínez del Amor, University of Seville, Spain, Email: mdelamor 'at'


More Coming Soon.


More Coming Soon.

Plans are underway to have the conference proceedings be securely available online before the conference to all conference participants. It will remain accessible for some time after the conference is concluded.

Plans are also underway to have the conference proceedings on CD and in hard copy. If you are interested in any or both of these, please indicate that clearly during your registration for the conference. These will be shipped to the address you provide. There is fee associated with the order and for shipping & handling.


HPCS intends to be a forum for the high performance computing and simulation communities. It supports the creation of various communities of interest and practice within the annual meeting. It wishes to maximize the interactions, exchanges and cooperations among its participants. Therefore, it enthusiastically invites all those who are interested to attend and contribute.

HPCS has a zero tolerance policy on intellectual property violations or professional misconduct, plagiarism, multiple submission schemes, no show, and any other unprofessional conduct. All participants must abide by professional codes of ethics and conduct, particularly those by the ACM and IEEE professional organizations.

Conference Consent

It is understood that the author's submission of any contribution to the conference implies that it is a consent itself to use the material, name & affiliation and related items in the conference proceedings, program and any other conference records or publicity venues we typically use for disseminating this information to the conference participants without any limitation. This consent would also include specific warranties that the author's material provided does not infringe on any third party's copyrights, trade secrets, or intellectual property.

Intellectual Property Rights Maintained

- Copyright information, Plagiarism guidelines, Multiple submission and prior publication guidelines, Request permission to reuse copyrighted material, Trademark policies:

- Plagiarism guidelines:

Violations will be reported and flagged.

Force Majeure

This conference is subject to acts of God, government authority, disaster, war on venue soil, acts of terrorism on venue soil, pandemics, or other similar causes beyond the organizers’ control, which make it commercially impracticable, illegal or impossible to perform as originally planned and contracted under the original announcements and commitments. The Conference, its organizers, committees and officers, may take appropriate actions under these circumstances that they deem necessary to address the situation without liability.


In which index and abstract databases does Digital Library include bibliographic records?

Digital Library content is indexed by Google and has agreements in place with other publishers and services to include copyrighted papers in their online and print indexes. Examples include INSPEC, Thomson Reuters’ Web of Science, Ei Engineering, and Village. For a complete listing, please click the Publishing and Indexing Partners link on the “Welcome to IEEE Xplore” help page. Please see

The SCOPUS is provided with all of the Digital Library content so that the bibliographic information (what is seen on an abstract page in the Digital Library, including the abstract) can be made visible. While the publishers do provide them with all of their content, it is not their policy to determine what Scopus will or will not index. Additionally, once SCOPUS does load the records, and the abstract is viewable to their users, the user can then link back to the Digital Library and lands on the abstract page of that particular record, enabling you to either view through a subscription or purchase the full text article.

The conference proceedings content may be indexed in several other indexing services, as in previous years. The conference organizers do not apply separately to any indexing services. They follow IEEE guidelines.

If you have any questions, please contact the Customer Center .


Generally, the conference does not allow remote or virtual presentations. However, and due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, HPCS 2020 will be help completely online (virtually).

At least one of the authors must virtually attend and present the work. This should encourage all presenters and as many of the co-authors as possible to virtually attend and actively participate. This is vital to the conference success and to maximizing the return to all those who contribute, especially the authors.

The plan is to have all presentations pre-recorded, tested and stored on the virtual platform HPCS 2020 is using prior to the conference dates. Instructions on pre-recording, testing and uploading the presentation will be posted and communicated to all presenters.

The assigned presenter is expected to be present in real time using the virtual meeting platform during his/her session and handle all questions the participants may have.

IEEE Policy on No Show / Non Presented Papers will be followed and enforced

HPCS fully supports and implements the no-show policy and will enforce it at all times. All papers are required to be presented as scheduled in the final program. At least one author must be the presenter of the work and prepare a high quality presentation and be available to answer questions and participate in the discussions per program. Failure of having an approved presentation and be available in real time to discuss and answer questions as notified by the conference program chairs will result in the paper being treated as a no-show and will not be included in the conference proceedings and removed from the Digital Library.

“IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference (e.g., removal from the Digital Library) if the paper is not presented at the conference.”

"Papers excluded from further distribution will be archived but will not be indexed or appear in the Digital Library."

Withdrawing a Conference Submission

Authors may withdraw their submission before the paper is assigned to the TPC for reviewing for no cause. Please notify the program chairs if you wish to withdraw your submission.

There is no withdrawal once the manuscript is assigned to the TPC and especially once the acceptance notifications are sent out. If authors of a manuscript have new extenuating circumstances and they need to withdraw their work after that, they are required to write to the conference organizers (program chairs and registration chairs) immediately and discuss their situation and present their legitimate/emergency cause for the request to obtain approvals. The organizers will notify the authors of their decision upon review of the request and circumstances. If the request is denied and the authors take out their accepted manuscript, they will be in violation of the conference policies, their submission commitments, and professional conduct & codes of ethics.The conference organizers may choose to flag, cite or report the authors with violations.

Change of Presenters and Presentation

Authors of a paper must specify the presenter (one or more of them) as early as possible by the November 28, 2020 (or February 28,2021 for main track) deadline. Once designated, the presenter cannot be changed without the prior approval of the conference program chairs. A request of change of presenter (e.g., a co-author) must be submitted by authors in due time so that proper approvals can be obtained before the beginning of the conference. The specified presenter is expected to present in person based on final program schedule. In case of virtual conference, the presenter must be available in real time to handle discussion and questions related to their work. Any changes must be cleared with the program chairs first. No request for change of presenter will be considered once the draft program is made. Unapproved changes will not be honored. Failure to do so, the paper will be treated as a no-show.

Adding and Removing Authors and Changing Paper Title After Notifications:

If authors wish to make such changes after notifications, they must notify the Program Chairs and Registration Chairs of such changes and obtain approvals. The authors must obtain approvals of these changes from all parties concerned (e.g, new & original authors) prior to asking the conference officers to approve such changes. The changes cannot be used until approved. For adding or removing authors, only professionally and ethically acceptable practices, protocols and standards will be allowed. For changing titles, the new ones should be justifiable (for instance if the reviewers requested changing the title.)

IEEE ComSoc Board of Governors Policy on Pre-publication Author Misconduct on Double-submission and Plagiarism

"In addition to the IEEE policies, pre-publication author misconduct, such as double-submission or plagiarism, will result in rejection of the manuscript(s), and a minimum 6 month ban on submissions to fully owned ComSoc publications by the author(s)."

HPCS fully supports and implements all such policies on pre-publication author misconduct.

IEEE Prohibited Authors List FAQ

HPCS 2020 will abide by the IEEE Prohibited Authors List and any other such lists from sponsoring professional organizations.

Recordings of the proceedings of HPCS meetings

To comply with global data privacy laws, HPCS 2020 imposes certain restrictions on the use of multimedia at its event (e.g. photography, video, audio, online streaming, and all future mediums). The HPCS 2020 organizers apply restrictions on recording the proceedings of the meeting and its contents. Restrictions include, but are not limited to, the usage of audio recording, video recording, and photography by participants or observers.

By attending the event, you acknowledge and agree as follows: (a) HPCS2020 may edit and use footage it captures at the event for marketing and promotional activities and for any other lawful purpose in the ordinary course of its operations; and (b) due to the prevalence of mobile recording devices in today’s world, HPCS2020 disclaims all liability for the capture of your image in any multimedia format by other attendees at the event.

General Policies